Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What does the Blog Title Mean?

I have posted on message boards now for about five years. In this time I have posted on many subjects, religion, politics, social issues, but never have I seen such hatred and venom as I have since I have become a 'regular' poster on the continuing tragic saga of the Anna Nicole Smith case.

I have seen what I at one time considered reasonable, intelligent debaters on other subjects lower themselves to nasty comments, not limited to personal attacks on the illnesses, deaths, and sorrows in the real lives of those they disagree with; sadly most of the time, only a germ of truth is offered by the attacker, twisting and spinning the rest of the story in an attempt to silence and emotionally wound those that dare have a difference of opinion.

I named my blog Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History, because one of the most pathetic attacks against me personally was the complete ignorance of this statement in my signature line on a message board I am a member.

This statement was made by a highly educated woman that believed in the rights and the equality of women:

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, is a feminist and a professor, she is not insulting women with this comment, as one particular poster is determined to believe, rather, she is referencing those women that broke the rules to create change in a male dominated society.

For more information on this amazing woman:

Think about the women in history that brought change; many of them risked their own personal reputations, safety, and freedom to give to the future generations a world to be proud of, and it is up to us, as women to carry that work forward; to do so may mean we also have to break that mold that society pigeon holes women in; therefore the statement, and hopefully finally it will put this issue to rest.


  1. Very nice blog, I await future entries!

  2. Hey nice blog..I feel the same way about women..I also like the saying "Behind every great man, is a woman"

  3. Great job Tracian.

    I love your writing style. Looking forward to the next entry.

  4. My sister told me a saying:

    Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes... :)

  5. Nice Blog.

    Too bad some people lack the education to understand that quote.

    Gentlemen did not want to be seen with a woman fighting for suffrage, the were considered 'not well behaved women' by a lot of society.

  6. Great Job!! Very appropriate for this month since this is Womens History Month. Having raised my children alone without child support I feel that women can do anything they set their minds to.

    I agree with you about the way posters insult and harrass people on the message boards. There are some who do not seem to realize that there is a real human being on the other end of the keyboard with real feelings, problems, etc. I have posted on many boards over the years and there is always at least one who is extremely mean and nasty.

    Keep writing. I agree with wheezer, you have a great style.


  7. I do despair of a society where someone who is capable of operating a computer doesn't know the origin of the quote, "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History" It isn't terribly hard to find.

    The only objection I have ever had to the quote, is that it doesn't go far enough. Well behaved people of either gender rarely have accomplished anything. It's just been a little tougher for women since traditonally acceptable behaviour for us has been much more limited for us then for the men folk.

    We live in an era where things are changing fast and in very scary ways. Survival for us all may come down to us refusing to be well behaved, to not accept the status quo. This may be the time for women, who aren't well behaved. We after all have the experience in not fiting into the norms of society, and if those norms have to change who better then those of us who have the most experience in this area to lead the fight?
