Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Empathy lost

It has long been said to those less seasoned posters, not to give too much personal information on message boards because some people will take from those heartfelt posts and use them later to attack that poster's position on an unrelated issue.

I am a rather open person, and since as before stated, have a number of interests, have posted on many different forums and different threads on different issues, so I guess I should have not been surprised when someone grabbed a post I made on a entirely different subject, on an entirely different forum to become a twisted internet doppelganger for the soul purpose of harassing me because of my opinion on a case.

Now, aside from the fact that this person not only poked fun of my faith and my marriage, she also exploited the deaths of my inlaws, whose death is just this month only two years ago.

This got me thinking about the lost of empathy that some display while posting on topics. Is there nothing that should be avoided when in the heat of a discussion? Or is it all fair in love and war, and those emotionally injured by such antics just casualties of the attackers fighting the good fight?

I will draw a line in the sand at this point. It is my opinion, that it is far different to call names, or use what could be considered foul language at an opposing poster, than to dig into other topic threads to find 'ammo' to blast the differing posters opinion.

For example:

poster one: You are a foul, wannbe leech that enjoys keeping their nose up the ass of so and so.

poster two: You are so twisted and vile, I bet you live in a trailer and are just jealous of so and so, because you couldn't get laid without a bag over your nasty head.

While neither of the posters are being very 'debate like' I put those posts in a different class than something like the following:

poster one: Are you crazy? That is not the way it happened, you need learn reading comprehension.

poster two: I have no doubt to why your son killed himself, with a bitch like you for a mother, he would rather be dead!

Think those two scenarios are far off base? Nope, seen it time and time again; further what is worse, those on the 'side' of poster two, will defend that type of attack.

Now, you may wonder, how would poster two know about the suicide of poster ones' son?

Here is your answer, many of us have only one moniker, we have posted on support threads, or prayer threads, and when we dare venture off to a hot topic subject those that are stuck in attack mode will troll around looking for a weakness to exploit and then attack.

Which brings me to the topic of Empathy.

Since I began posting, I have seen the passing of many posters on various boards. Just recently, a poster that was a fierce adversary passed, and a thread was set up for the purpose of offering condolences to her family and friends.

I noticed many from both 'sides' offer their deepest sympathies, regardless of the 'heated' debates, the reality that a real person passed, and left behind real family and friends superseded the differences, and even those that differed with this person chose to offer comfort.

Then it came to the attention of many of us that did offer condolences that another blog site, in memorial for the same poster, used this tragic loss to attack many of the same that put the discord aside. I am not sure of the purpose, other than an excuse to mock others, but in a time of mourning, it seemed to be in poor taste, to use a death as a opening to focus on those of opposing view.

Is anything scared anymore? or have we become typing cyborgs that are so tunnel visioned, that we see the pain of those that differ from us as the proverbial 'Achilles heel' that will silence the opposition.

We have all heard the terms 'sticks and stones' and for the most part, that is the way to handle some posts when the topic grows out of control; but is there some level of human decency that can be shared that certain parts of human suffering are off limits?

Is it acceptable to use the death of a person, or the illness to attack someone that has a different view?

Is it because one cannot physically see the pain they inflict when resorting to such tactics make them able to chuckle as they type, and sleep well that night?
Should the line be drawn as a cyber community?
Yes, in my opinion, not through censorship, but through the basic ability to empathise with those sitting much like you are, anonymously at a keyboard.
It is only then that ones' inner power and peace can be found.


  1. Excellent points.

    Unfortunately those that post those type of messages (attacking another poster with personal info) will continue as long as posters put their personal info on message boards. They hide behind a computer screen, thinking they are so clever and almighty.

    It's sad that in this cyber-community where some of us meet, on a daily or weekly basis, have to be careful of what we say about our lives, for fear of someone, someday, will be attacking us with that info.

    Some of us have become cyber-friends, yet are leary of sharing our joys and pain in our life.

  2. Maybe you should choose your cyber friends more judiciously.

  3. You miss the point about 'picking' cyber friends.

    This is about posting on a thread that should be respected for the topic not hijacked and used to attack a poster on another topic.

    But you did support my point, so I thank you for that.

  4. I'm serious when I saw watch out who you hang with. I remember back in the day when your nic had respect.

  5. My name is still respected by those that are able to discuss without the nasty attacks.

    I am not the one hiding behind anonymous, now am I?

  6. has markings of a chan to me

  7. Harlett + Mabel = Trashy
    So are Ann, Tracian, Greenlee, Buddee, Nelda and Glenna
    All poison on both side

    this above is so sad....these are the great ones, what idiot?

  8. Another great one Tracian.

    For me personally when I post I attempt to reply or post to another as if the debate we are having is taking place in my living room. Face to face. When I see posts, no matter what side they are coming from, that are full of anger, name calling, and just down right mean, the first thing I think is would this poster say these kinds of things if this person were sitting in front of them? I want to hope the answer would be NO. Something I think many could try is would you want what you posted shown to your family and friends?

    It's ok to debate, to disagree, to even get a little heated. But, there are no excuses for what I see posted at some of these sites.

  9. What an awesome blog, Tracian. You leave me speechless. Bravo!!


  10. Such excellent points Tracian. I find it a little discouraging that we have taken this truely remarkable technology and too often use it express ourselves on a level that wouldn't be tolerated in a biker bar.

    When I first got on the internet I was looking forward to intelligent discussion about serious issues I have in fact found it. I just wish I didn't have to sift through pettyness and childish comments and the flat out hateful to get to it.
    We've got the most remarkable tool in the history of of our species which allows us all to share our thoughts, ideas, experiences and beliefs with each other on a level we could never have imagined 20 years ago. Why in the names of the gods and goddesses don't we use it for what is best in us instead of what is worst in us?

  11. Love your new message board Tracian. Hi Wheezer and cbhope; good to see you here.

  12. Tracian - what a brilliant blog, and sadly, I have to agree that people often use the gift of communication to cause offense, and belittle those they disagree with just because they have a different opinion. There is no need for it - the more communication systems are set up, the smaller our world is getting. It's one thing to offer an opinion, but if someone only wants to offend, then they shouldn't say anything at all. Life is too short to live it with anger and bitterness - live and let live!

    You are missed at DPD!

  13. Thank you everyone for leaving your thoughts on this issue; so many that I have agreed with and disagreed with have caused me to really enjoy the internet, and those on both sides have inspired me.


    I am going to start coming back to DPD, I have missed you all as well.

  14. I guess I am dating myself and how long I have been on message boards but the changes I have seen come about in the last couple of years actually is quite frightening.

    For years respect was shown by those on each side of an issue even if the opinion was firmly held by each side but now it seems to have become just a barbed tool to be used to completely harass, ridicule and personally attack the other poster unmercifully. Not only does it seem to be done regularly now but done with an overwhelming vengeance and anger..sometimes bordering on insanity, imo. I find it mind boggling that message boards have become a cesspool for the misfits who have absolutely no empathy or common decency and would rather wallow in slime. It certainly has changed what use to be a very enjoyable experience when we were more relaxed and talked with each other about our lives here and there along the way. Now those things are used against posters to inflict more pain and it shows some hearts are just devoid of compassion or the ability to have empathy. The extremism shown against other on message boards now is akin to some weird creepazoid enjoying pulling wings off of beautiful butterflies so they can watch them suffer knowing they caused the pain. I find it to be the most bizarre behavior and do question their mental capabilities.

    There is no rhyme or reason for it except to quench the thirst of those who are vile and disgusting that must feed on the pain they try hard to inflict and filth they spawn. Just a few years ago we didn't know what being threatened, harassed and stalked really meant. Sadly today many of us know how truly extreme some can really be against people they don't even know. Quite chilling and equally sad that message boards have been reduced to this.

