There has been much talk about what could have happened to any missing person; often times discussion on these cases buzz on message boards, fill blogs, and are twitter topics.
We all have our opinions on these cases, developed with a combination of media reports, personal experience, and interpretation of interviews, including facial expression, tone, accent, the list is endless.
But we all do have our opinions.
So many cases that I have followed there seems to be a popular theme; the complete character assassination of someone that the missing person loved and trusted; many times with not much more than mere speculation.
In 1988, Jaclyn Dowaliby was taken in the night from her home while her parents and younger brother slept. The police quickly ran dry with leads, and decided that the break-in was staged, and focused on what they believe was the obvious suspects, Jaclyn's adoptive father, David Dowaliby, and her mother, Cynthia.
The investigation was nothing short of a witch hunt. Charges were filed against both, but due to lack of evidence, charges against Cindy were dropped. Cindy's dropped charges didn't stop child services from taking her son, and newly born infant from her though..eventually it was proven in court that child services literally trumped up charges. There excuse was, it was because they were sure of the guilt of the parents in the death of their daughter--no need for a trial...child services convicted them, and so did the media. David went to trial, and was found guilty.
Long story short, in 1991, after exposing the corruption and sloppy investigation, David's conviction was over turned.
Whenever I hear about a missing child, I try to think of this case. Why? Because I was one of those that felt simply due to what the media reported that this couple did murder their child.
Now, many of us are following HaLeigh Cummings. While I do believe that most are following, posting, and blogging about this case out of concern for a missing child, I also believe that some have gone way too far in 'expressing' or maybe 'defending' their opinion.
Each and everyday I have read down right cruel things posted about Ronald and Crystal. Some parody sites have even sprung up, somehow finding humor tearing down one parent or the other.
This is my question:
How can anyone say that they care about HaLeigh, or her little brother, if you can post simply cruel posts about their parents, or extended families?
Discussing the facts, that have some uncomfortable truths, is one thing, but finding new and exciting ways to mercilessly ridicule them goes beyond pale.
We all pray that Haleigh will be found alive, should this miracle happen, how do you think she would feel about all the out and out cruel things said about her family? Should the worse happen, how do you think Junior, will feel, not only losing his sister, but also hearing on the playground all the special things people have posted about either his mother or father?
As the title of this blog states, Sticks and Stones may break your bones Something most of us teach our children, but we by teaching that, are lying to them as well, because words do hurt, sometimes more than sticks and stones.
One may not like Ron and Crystal for various reasons, and that is the right of each and every person. I do think though, we should take a cue from both Crystal and Ron, neither of them have said half the horrible things about each other in public as strangers have.
If the two of them that are suffering can be that decent to each other, even considering their past, I don't think it would to difficult for us to do the same.
Beautifully done.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Perfectly done.
ReplyDeleteSuch powerful words Tracian. They couldn't be truer. Certainly will cause me to be more careful when posting about Haleigh's case.
ReplyDeleteGreat article Tracian, keep up the good work. I wish more people could see things the way you do. Parents of missing children go through so much pain and heartache as it is without the anonymous person behind a computer screen adding to their pain.
ReplyDeleteAll one has to do is look at the pictures of Haleigh and know that she loves her family. Look at pictures of Haleigh and see the love her family has for her. Thank you Tracian, for reminding everyone that this is a CHILD. There is nothing funny about a little girl missing, although the so called "satire" sites think they are hilarious and get a following. Karma is a bitch, and when it bites those on the ass, I hope it hurts.