Today Ronald Cummings and his mother were on the Maury Show; and after reading on the boards, I am again amazed.
First let me start by saying this:
HaLeigh has two parents that obviously love her and are suffering. She has grandparents on both sides of her family that are in great pain not only because their beloved grandchild is missing; but they have to watch their own beloved children suffer a pain greater than anything they ever suffered, and they are powerless to do anything to ease it.
I wanted to post the above disclaimer so the rest of my thoughts on this subject are not going to be misunderstood as a bash fest to either parent.
As stated, Ron's appearance on Maury was broadcast today, I watched, and then I made the mistake of reading on some message boards.
One poster was just completely confused as to why Ron would refer to HaLeigh as his daughter; Huh, let's think about this great concern for a moment.
When Crystal appeared on Nancy Grace, she referred to HaLeigh as 'our daughter' she too did not use HaLeigh's name.
Pot meet Kettle
Ron has been attacked on the boards for months for not doing enough,not going to the media, begging for HaLeigh's return.
How often has Crystal been on various shows, begging for HaLeigh' return?
Pot meet Kettle
Ron has been attacked for not crying on various interviews.
How often has Crystal cried on interviews?
Pot meet Kettle
Ron has been attacked because his lawyer says they are trying to raise money to hire a private investigator; this met with gasps and horror.
A benefit concert was just held, proceeds going to HaLeighbug
Pot meet Kettle
Ron was first attacked for not doing anything for HaLeigh's birthday, then true to form, when he and his side of the family scheduled a balloon release with fliers, he was attacked, one blog even suggested that this should be considered littering.
Crystal and her side of the family did a school supply drive in honor of HaLeigh.
Pot meet Kettle
Ron is attacked because he cannot offer information because he was at work.
Crystal stated on Nancy Grace she also has no idea what happened or when or who was the last person to see HaLeigh.
Pot meet Kettle
Ron appears on Nancy Grace in a suit and tie, the insults fly across the keyboards
Crystal appears, on Nancy Grace, clearly looking very nice, much different than other interviews, and once again just the opposite.
Pot meet Kettle
The point I am attempting to make is that the bias and hypocrisy is so obvious, it is insulting to the intelligence of the vast majority of bloggers that are really concerned about HaLeigh.
If anyone is looking for perfection in Ron or Crystal, you will be disappointed, there are no perfect people, only perfect intentions; which I do believe that Ron and Crystal both have in regards to their children.
I am sure that both of them beat themselves up each and every day for mistakes and judgement errors they have made.
I don't think either need every tear, expression, word, or garment picked apart as some amateurish sleuthing attempt to prove that one or the other is guilty of a crime.
Of course those that do find this a necessary part of their day, it speaks much louder about them, than it does about those they have honed their negative energies on so mercilessly.