Monday, September 15, 2008

Bounty Hunters, Lawyers, Media Deals, Is there a wonder why there are Protesters?

Once again the case of missing toddler Caylee Anthony brings more and more headlines. Not because of the family or her mother relentlessly searching for her, no, quite to the contrary, it remains a 'hot' story because of the constant grandstanding of lawyers for both the grandparents and Casey, not to mention the leaks to the media in regards to big bucks being offered for the story.

Just who has come out of the woodwork to get their names and images connected to this tragic story? Oh, we have quite the cast of characters:

High profile Bounty Hunter, with his bail bondsmen nephew; One hardly known lawyer, that now is as common a household name as any on the OJ Dream Team, and of course a high profile defense attorney for the grandparents....Oppies...almost forgot to mention the PR firm that is also throwing their hat into the circus created by the Anthony family, all on under the guise of the search for an innocent missing child.

Still not one member of this family can keep their story straight, not the grandparents, and absolutely not Casey.

So is there any wonder why we have protesters, and that those protesters are quickly becoming more and more aggressive?

Now, before the horrified gasps, of my excusing the protesters, let me be clear on a few things:

1. I don't think it is wise or completely responsible to bring children to such a potentially dangerous event.

Having said that, I understand the reasoning:

The Anthony's have used, yes, used the image of Caylee as a way to gather sympathy for their plight, to tap in on the emotion most humans have in regards of innocent children lost in the world; how more to drive the disgust home to that family than to bring their own beloved children out, to offer the visual of knowing where your children are, and not buying anymore into what amounts as media hype from the family.

2. I don't think children should talk rudely to adults, and feel that the parents of those children should correct them, under normal circumstances.

This is anything but a normal circumstance. These children are most likely parroting what they have heard their parents say, not only that, Cindy is a rude, nasty person, that verbally attacked the parents of the children that made comments back--it is natural for a child to defend a parent.

The protesters are a by-product of what have been offered to the media, and that offering has come directly from the Anthony family. It is my opinion that most of America feels betrayed. We fell in love with Caylee, we prayed for her, those that could have donated time and money in search efforts, and for that, what was received in return has been rude comments, lies, and rhetoric from the family that only has offered lip service in the search for a precious missing child.

One family that protested, and went right to the door, are parents of a missing child, they I am willing to bet, did not get one-tenth of the media coverage or help in the attempts to locate their child; why wouldn't they be enraged? How many of you, God forbid, if suffering a missing child would not be likewise enraged when resources that where not available, or for some reason, did not meet 'media' standards was wasted, on a family that refuses to offer any legitimate lead?

People tend to fear and be angered by what they don't understand. This is a classic example. Do any of us really understand why all the lies? Do we understand the support of Casey by her parents, in public, when in private they have warned people to stay away from her? That Cindy claims that Casey was a wonderful mother, but now we find out Cindy was going to attempt to take Caylee from her?

How can we forget that Cindy, herself wanted Casey arrested...but for what? Theft, not for Caylee, that is clear, because regardless of Casey's lies, she fights to keep her daughter out of jail...So if Cindy and George are fighting for Casey, who is left to fight for Caylee.

That is why, the protesters are there, right or wrong, their purpose is to be the voice that is lost, and that is the voice of Caylee.

If any protesters should stumble across this blog, while I understand why you are there, your purpose is done, take that energy and turn it into another positive way to get Caylee's voice heard. Organise searches, candle light vigils in a neutral place. Caylee's image and name has already been distorted to bring sadness to those strangers that fell in love with this child, do not let the injury of another child further become part of Caylee's legacy; Those of you that have your heart in the right place, let's create a legacy for Casey about the community and the love that brought so many of us together, in safety and peace.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

How far would you go to protect your child?

As most of America and dare I say the world, I have been following the Caylee Anthony case.

The very first emotion was horror that a child could be missing for so long without the mother of that child reporting it; it was further a horror to watch the pain of the grandmother on national television begging for the country to take notice of this missing child, to find her, and bring her home to their loving arms.

Then, the 911 calls came out, the discrepecies, the out and out lies spewed to the media, which was hungry to eat them up, until the media began to make those areas clear, and those of us watching would shake our heads in disbelief.

As I sit back and reflect a bit on this case, I have to say, I feel as though it is Deja Vu. Those of us crime watchers have seen this same case over and over again with just a few variations.

Diane Downs, reported a 'Bushy Haired Stranger' that shot her children.
Susan Smith reported a 'Black male' car jacked her car with her two toddler sons trapped inside.

Charles Steward claimed a 'Black male' murdered his pregnant wife.

And then of course there is Melinda, that claimed her child Trenton was taken while she sat watching TV with two friends, and then killed herself when the questions got too tough.

Why do I bring up such cases? Well think about the first few, Diane and Susan both played the media, using descriptions that would shock and terrorize in their parts of the country. Charles Steward murdered not only his wife and unborn son, but likewise used that primal fear,target those that are different than the victim, to attempt to hide in plain sight.

Melinda offers the clear and present problem we have in society, the desire to believe in that maternal instinct that the majority of women cultivate soon after birth, if not at conception of a wanted and desired child; Melinda it seems never acquired this basic instinct, and she took the mystery of Trenton with her.

What I find interesting, in a sad way, is that Melinda's family and the Anthony family seem to share one very twisted trait......The both choose to blame the media for the tragic events that they experience.

Melinda's family has filed a lawsuit against Nancy Grace, and CNN for wrongful death, because in their twisted opinion, Nancy Grace by asking Melinda the 'tough' questions in regards to her son's disappearance caused her suicide.


Can someone explain to me, why on earth her own family never asked and demanded answers to those 'tough questions'

Perhaps the Anthony's can offer insight, as they too, attack the media, the Sheriff's Department, and TES, while all the while sheltering and protecting the last person that was with Caylee.

So how far would you go to protect your child? Would you help them hide a petty crime? Would you offer an alibi that is untrue? Would you conceal or destroy evidence? Would you give false information to law enforcement and the media if another life was at stake? Would you hide the body?

I am of the personal belief that the Anthony's' are not in denial, they are well aware of what really happened to Caylee, and they are covering for their daughter, it is my opinion they are doing so not so much for Casey, but to protect their status in the community, their careers, and I also think they are considering the possible financial advantage that could arise from this tragedy.

Say a prayer for justice tonight, because Caylee deserves in death, what she never got in life, those that put her first, and not their selfish desires or needs.