Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I made a promise to myself when I began this blog, not to post about the continuing saga of Anna Nicole Smith....but I GIVE UP....
The current ridiculous lawsuits filed in behalf of Virgie Arthur really get stuck in my craw...(hence the stork on it's back), because this is just a bully tactic by a big law firm, that has it's claws deep in the legal system of Texas.
Now, let me be completely clear. The only person that made me think less of Virgie in this case is Virgie, herself.
I didn't follow Anna Nicole, I didn't watch her show, and to be completely honest, I found her a beautiful woman, but a bit shall we say......flamboyant for my taste, I respect and enjoy women that have a bit more classical traits, the hint of sexuality, rather than slamming it in your Anna, while I enjoyed some of her screen antics, felt she was someone that I could never truly relate to...
Then, Daniel died, and my heart went out to her, because though not a fan, one could not be touched by the horrible events, that followed what should have been an occasion of joy and celebration; a daughter born, and a son lost...truly a tragic event of biblical proportions, much like the trials of the wake of something perfect, the loss of part of that perfection in life, a child.
So, yes, I did casually follow the media coverage, but not with much vigor, until one day watching Ablow, (I saw him on CTV, and was giving his show a try) and lo and behold, the guest is none other than the very private, retired mother of Anna Nicole Smith.
Okay, while posting on CTV, primary on the religion boards, I watched, and listened, and due to that show, I have devoted nearly a year and a half to my life to this continuing saga, for that I should hire my own lawyer and sue Virgie Arthur.
I watched a grieving Virgie, say the most slanderous things about the daughter she claimed to love, who is herself grieving for her son, to a national audience.
So for the record McCabe I made my opinions of Virgie Arthur long before bloggers, TMZ or ART HARRIS.
Many people drew their opinions on Virgie due to her willing interviews, and actions in this case. I find it insulting that we (the public) are perceived as being so stupid that a TMZ article or blogs by people that we don't even know would force us to have an opinion.
No one forced Virgie to:
1. Go on Ablow, Grace, and Greta, not to mention local stations.
2. Walk out of a courtroom arm in arm with Howard Stern and Larry Birkhead, only to file an appeal after making a statement to the contrary.
3. To file a last minute appeal in the Bahamas, keeping her beloved daughter's funeral on hold.
4. To support the biological father, Larry Birkhead, then file an appeal, to keep him from taking his daughter from the Bahamas.
Now that is the short list, I can by request go into more detail.
But regardless where one sits on this very twisted fence, the reality is that FREEDOM OF SPEECH and FREEDOM OF DISCUSSION, is being put on trial in this case that the glorious lawfirm on O'Quinn has brought.
Think about this seriously. How many of you have called defendants 'murders' before they went to trial? How many of you posted that the Duke team should be drawn and quartered before the evidence was in? How many of you posted that those that have been found 'not guilty' should have been convicted?
I truly respect those that support Virgie, but she is not beyond the public life she chose to thrust herself into and this nonsense about a conspiracy to take her down is ludicrous, she really is not that important, this case will not change anything socially, morally, or politically, this is about power and money, nothing more and nothing less.
Well since I went there I will post a follow up, should comments warrant, if not, I , like my posted graphic will just lie on my back and twitch regarding this topic and move on to others.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Freedom of Religion

I have been doing a lot of thinking on the subject of religious freedom since the raid on the Polygamist sect in Texas.
Now, first let me be very clear, I do not support the abuse of children, or forced child brides; however it seems that the basics of the outrage is in regards to more than one woman being married to the same man.
There is also the misconception that only those that are called FLDS practice plural marriage. I think first we should define what exactly plural marriage is, and those different religions that do practice, even if not in a commune type setting.
There are Christian polygamists, as well as those that practice the Muslim faith, this of course is not to say all in either group embrace this practice, but the for some it is acceptable.
Now, the reason the raid is concerning to me, it seems that the main reason this group was targeted is because of the practice of plural marriage. I have come to this conclusion based of several other abused children cases that dealt with religious beliefs have not been handled in such a dramatic, far reaching way.
Dateline August 22, 2004
A young Amish girl listens while her brothers are sentenced for her repeated rapes.
This girl goes on to tell authorities about other abuses of young girls in the Amish community, seemingly mostly by their own male family members, yet, the Amish community was not raided, children where not taken in mass from their families while an investigation was under way.
Why is that? Is it because the general public considers the Amish a quaint people? Did the authorities not worry for the children that were left in a possible dangerous condition? Remember, in this case unlike the Texas case, a real witness was present, and a real conviction was handed down by the court, but no follow-up or investigation was done concerning the other young girls left in the Amish community.
The following link offers information about those for reasons of religion have allowed their children to die, by refusing medical care:
Yet, I have never heard of other members of these churches loosing their children even after the deaths of other children in this sect; even when other members with children were present when a child died after being refused medical care.
Okay, so I have pretty much offered my concerns regarding the treatment that FLDS is getting as opposed to the treatment other that use religion as shield to do harm to those members in their charge.
Now let's move on to the subject of Polygamy:
The first argument is normally, Polygamy is illegal.
Now, let's again think on that for a moment. Legally one can only be married to one person, simple enough, but the belief in polygamy is a religious practice, and the other wives, while not legally married to the husband, they, spiritually believe themselves to be married.
That seems to be the very basic of freedom of religion, the right to practice a religion, according to the calling you believe you have from your god.
I find the basic illegality of Polygamy to be rather ridiculous because, it is not illegal for a man to be married to a woman, and have sex with another woman, or father her children, or even to live in the same house with him and his wife, it only becomes illegal, theoretically, when they refer to themselves as married.
Now, before someone comments about under aged girls being forced to marry some old coot, that is not what I am referring to in this blog; likewise, those that choose to practice polygamy have a responsibility to support themselves and their wives, and children without abusing social programs, or tax fraud. However, if they do choose to defraud the government by doing so, what they should be charged with are those crimes, not because they believe that plural marriage is desired, or required by their god.
So back to the Texas raid. I do believe that the main reason it was done, and the support that CPS in Texas is getting stems from the distaste many have regarding plural marriage.
This is not to say they will not find proof of abuse, that very well could be the case, but one has to ponder why this case has been the 'media darling' for weeks when the other cases offered via links on this blog have been ignored, especially when you consider that these cases had the physical evidence of raped girls and dead children.
As far as the question of polygamy, even if you don't think it is right, should the government be able to make a law that stunts your ability to practice your faith? Especially, when you consider we do not arrest or put men in jail for fathering children with women other than his legal wife.
I ask those that read this blog to try and separate the horror stories regarding polygamy from the practice by some, and for those Christians, remember some of the greatest prophets of the Bible had not only multiple wives, but concubine as well.
I have to also say, no I am not a polygamist, my husband can hardly handle me, two would put him in an early grave.